Our story:
I spent thirteen years working among those impacted by immigration, incarceration and addiction. Much of my work was behind the scenes, pastoring pastors and ministry leaders who were pouring themselves out on the front lines, and pastoring / discipling leaders they were raising up, in the unique combination of Word, Spirit, and Street that is at the heart of Tierra Nueva.
When God told me I was to prepare to leave Tierra Nueva, he said that he wanted me to take what I was doing among leaders at Tierra Nueva and bring that to others who spend so much of their time living and working while disconnected from intimacy with God.
There is an epidemic of disconnection in the Church.
Jesus said, “Abide in Me… just as the branch cannot bear fruit when it is disconnected from the vine, so you cannot bear fruit if you do not abide in Me.”
Many people desire to know God deeply and experience being known, loved, and accepted by Him – but aren’t sure how to get there or feel stuck in some aspect. In place of this, our default is to operate out of a place of performance, striving for a sense of acceptance or approval, building our identity on what we do and what others think of us, when the reality is that we are already loved and delighted in by our Father. This identity as beloved is to be the foundation everything else is built on.
I am passionate about helping people encounter the love of God the Father, to experience the presence of the living Jesus and the powerful working of the Holy Spirit, through spiritual direction, mentoring, teaching and prayer ministry. I seek to facilitate spaces to encounter God in a way that empowers people to grow in intimacy with God, to walk in the fullness of their callings as beloved children of the Father and Spirit-empowered disciples of Jesus, and then to minister to others out of that reality.