Hearing the heartbeat of god
Written by Michael Neelley
The invitation to hear the heartbeat of God leads us on a journey into the heart of Love, whose name is Jesus. There is nothing that will breathe more life and energy into your relationship with God than the living reality that God is speaking, Jesus is present, the Holy Spirit is leading, and we can hear. And yet, our end goal is not simply to hear God’s voice so that God will answer our questions or prayers or encourage our faith. Rather, we are seeking to connect our longing to know God with God’s longing to share his heart so that his love will transform us more and more into the image of Jesus. Our journey into hearing the heartbeat of God is about the communication that happens when we experience an authentic and vulnerable love relationship with God where “[we] shall know fully even as [we are] fully known.”
“For those who still believe a living connection with God is possible, or at least wish for it, this one’s for you.”
The Father's Love
The sermon is from 54:00-1:23:00